Online timeline

Noticed this link in the Online-News email this morning. David Carlson has a comprehensive Online Timeline. Worth bookmarking!
A couple entries:
1969 — CompuServe Information Service launches in Columbus, Ohio, as a computer time-sharing service.
1974 — First Use of term “Internet” appears in a conference paper by Vinton Cerf and Bob Kahn.
1980 — Pac-Man, a successful video game, is released.
1992 — Newspaper Association of America reports 11 newspapers have an online presence in the U.S. and Canada and more than 250 offer voice information services.
2004 — Jan. 20: Apple’s 4-gigabyte iPod Mini is released and sells well.
Dave, a professor at the University of Florida, is one of the pioneers in news online.
Thanks for a great timeline to keep it all straight!