A few weeks ago, I got a note from the good folks at UT asking if I would be on a panel. “Sure, no problem,” I said. I’ve spoken to a number of classes at UT and it’s always engaging to see what studients will ask about after I’ve quit babbling.
I’ve discovered the panel is at least a small part of a big deal at the University: UT’s first Journalism and Electronic Media Week.
They put it this way in a news release:
Representatives from some of the world’s leading media companies will gather at UT April 19-21 for the first Journalism and Electronic Media Week.
Holy Kamole! I’m might even need to do some preparation! I’m supposed to talking about how KnoxNews works. “Show it and discuss it,” the panelists have been asked of their respective sites.
Hmmm … this could be interesting. I’m looking forward to it. The panel I’m on has some smart people on it.