Jim Smith over WATE noticed I, too, had taken the Super Heroes test and said: “What about the Super Villians” test.
Below are the results.
Interestingly, both he and I are Spider-man as “hero” and Lex Luthor as “villian.”
For the villian, I do know I answered two of questions the exact opposite of his answers. He said he does wear skin tight clothes and I said no. He said he did answer “are you bald” yes and I said no. Of course in the movies, Lex wasn’t always bald.
Course, as a bad guy, there’s a lot to like in Lex Luthor:
Clearly, Lex has evolved considerably from his initial design as the stereotypical mad scientist. He has proven that he can hold his own against one of the most powerful men in the universe, despite having no actual powers of his own. His ability to exist above the law often makes things very difficult for Superman, and while Lex can’t beat Supes physically, he more than makes up for it with his intelligence and cunning. Though Hackman’s Luthor may have been the only one to spell it out, Lex certainly is one of the greatest criminal minds of his or any other time. Superman has thrown punches with the best of them, but in the end, it’s Lex’s brains that make him a match for the Man of Steel’s brawn, and continue to make him such an intriguing character that fans sometimes can’t help but root for the bad guy.
— Russ Dimino
If I was a bad guy, that’s the bad guy I would be.
Play yourself: Super Hero and Super Villian.
Your results:
You are Lex Luthor
| A brilliant businessman on a quest for world domination and the self-proclaimed greatest criminal mind of our time! |
Tags: viral | super heros | super villians