Here’s a roundup of interesting coverage — and interesting trends in coverage — of the shootings on the campus of Virginia Tech:
- Instapundit: Lots of people want me to say more
- Invisible Inkling: Mad props where mad props are due
- Dan Gillmor: Mobile Phone Journalism at Virginia Tech
- Hillbilly Savants: The Virginia Tech Massacre: News
- Online Media Cultist: Tragedy at Virginia Tech: The Blogosphere Reacts
- Dr. Helen: “We’re all locked in our dorms surfing the Internet trying to figure out what’s going on.”
- Lost Remote: Newspapers cover shooting blog-style (Cory Bergman)
- Lost Remote: Virginia Tech shooting live streams, resources (Cory Bergman)
- No Silence Here coverage: Bloggers reacting to today’s massacre, Statement from University of Tennessee chancellor and Questions arising out of tragic shootings
- Lots more here
A shoutout to for just doing it. Pultizer caliber for next year?
And how many people found out their friends were safe from Facebook?
Horrible event; fascinating story.
Leave me on comments on links to great coverage you find.
Tags: Virginia Tech | blogosphere | online media | newspapers