Month: April 2007

  • Snow flurries before baseball

    Mark catching …. and batting It was the coldest day of the season, no doubt. The Bearden JV team team Seymour 6-3. All parents survived (I think). It seemed cloudier and colder in Seymour than West Knoxville. Tags: baseball

  • Dollars and sense

    If Sam Zell is the future of the newspaper industry then the newspaper industry is dead–you heard it here first. — Jason Calacanis More react to Zell’s comments as published by the Washington Post, but Calacanis is an irresistible read. Tags: newspapers | sam zell | tribune |

  • Do Ya Think I’m Sexy

    Stephen Bagg at Compete says: Analysis of eight major American cities shows erotic services consistently garners the highest number of individual visitors for February – almost always twice as many as the next ranking category, averaging 265,000 people per city. Equally racy lists that consistently score high visitor volume are the section for casual encounters…