Month: April 2007

  • I’ve got the Willies with this storm

    The powerful nor’easter covering the Northeast is also affecting East Tennessee. We’ve had 1.65 inches of rain in the last 24 hours at the airport and haven’t seen any sign of the sun during the weekend. Meanwhile, nationwide the storm was grounding airlines and created the worst coastal flooding in 14 years, according to AP…

  • Thinking of another weighty subject

    This is last week’s update. I’ve done better this week. However, I did find this interesting. Since my shocking New Year’s weigh-in (ah, the Christmas season does leave its little presents), I’ve lost 14.5 pounds. But from around this time a year ago, I’m down a mere 1.5 pounds. Does that mean the exercising is…

  • Duh, a thinking blog?

    Whoa, been tagged by none other than Randy Neal in the Thinking Blogger Awards. My mamma would be proud. Here’s five. 1) Mathew Ingram, technology writer for the Toronto Globe and Mail. He’s always interesting, such as with this one on Robert Scoble and Chris Pirillo experimenting with Ustream and Twiter. 2) Bob Sutton’s Work…