Reality check
Too funny. Faith Hill gets a makeover, Photoshop style, for Redbook. There’s a by-the-numbers description of what was done here. Via Bob Stepno. who says: Like Jezebel, I’m at a loss to see “just what Redbook editors/art directors found so abhorrent about an already-above-average 39-year-old country music star and mom to three that they had…
Multiple Views
Knoxville’s Randy Neal has spun up a new site, BlountViews.com, (named for the county, not the blogging … or maybe both). Its mission is to be a hyper-local community web space for liberal/progressive citizens of Blount County to meet, organize, and discuss news, politics, events, and issues of interest to the community. It’s cut from…
A little planning would help
What happens to your virtual life when the physical one ends? Tags: personal planning