Separating the audience from the customer
White nationalist Hal Turner, who has found more to hate in this life than nearly everybody, has this message posted on his show’s Web site about going to a subscription site on Nov. 28: . Hundreds “kicked to the curb” as Hal Turner Show goes Subscription only For the first time, the internet version of…
Waiting for the tide
This picture of increased time spent on the Internet and this picture of time spent on news Web sites are not what we call the picture of the rising tide lifts all. It’s more like why is the sand castle washing away. (webmink photo)
Free WiFi at McGhee Tyson would be a leading-edge idea
In the wonder-why-we-don’t-have-it-here department. While most large airports have Wi-Fi in their terminals, it is smaller airports — those serving 500,000 to 2 million passengers annually — that have full Wi-Fi access, and many of those airports offer it for free, according to the ACI. The ACI is the Airports Council International, a trade group,…