Month: February 2008

  • Knoxville in just six words

    OK, I’m stealing this one honest from Tommy’s Table. I’m a sucker for stuff like this anyway. He’s challenged people to describe Charlotte in six words. Why six words? The story goes that Ernest Hemingway once claimed his finest work consisted of six words: “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.” The people at Smith magazine…

  • Boss Hogg couldn’t survive bloggers buzz

    On dark days I feel like starting a Keith Olbermann countdown to the demise of newspapers and journalism as we know it – or knew it. Perhaps the end of journalism as I knew it when I got into this business 30-odd years ago has already passed and I missed the story? Interrupting my bouts…

  • Intrepids decloak

    All the details except where the name came from. Adventures await!