Former WCPO-TV online manager Liz Foreman, a highly respected journalist who has been focused on online for years, gives a revealing glimpse of the differences between newspapers and TV stations in a Lost Remote posting yesterday.
Now, director of multimedia initiatives at the Cincinnati Enquirer, Foreman outlines for TV colleagues some of the differences she’s found between the two mainstream media operations. There are tips for newspaper newsrooms.
She finds newspapers too quiet and not urgent enough, but with lots of resources even in shrinking newsrooms.
Print newsrooms haven’t always had the ambiance of a library, but maybe that went away with the bottle in the bottom drawer. Make too much noise these days and you’ll get notes. As for urgency, she’s right, it’s in spotty supply.
I say it’s past time to turn up the volume — in noise and urgency!
Pssst, we’re being noisy over here and liking it, but the bottom drawer is still dry.
There’s more. Good read.