Month: April 2008

  • Social idiocy, the video (I thought the text version was more inane)

    OMG, somebody did a video that looks just like story comments. Eric Berlin pointed to this video last week that I hadn’t seen. As he says: “This was produced last fall but is definitely worth a watch if you haven’t seen it. Think of it as what Slate refers to as Internet commenting as its…

  • Billie lives in the small town at the end of the story

    Newspapers managers do a lot of hand wringing about user comments. They are so … distasteful and base. It’s such an issue, it’s becoming a popular seminar topic. And reader comments threads at the bottom of stories at knoxnews often aren’t for the faint of heart and can be far from uplifting. Granted my view…

  • HDR photos of Engel Stadium

    Following up on my Saturday post, I took some HDR photos Sunday on Historic Engel Stadium in Chattanooga. My guess is rather than being restored, this baseball park will bulldozed at some point. The Bearden High School baseball team was playing in a tournament that was using the stadium as one of its playing sites.…