Kiyoshi Martinez has created a new entrant in journalism blog aggregators,, the journalism blogosphere. The site is an aggregation of journalists who blog mostly about journalism from their personal sites.

I set out to create a definitive — but ever expanding! — list of young journalism bloggers and just provide it as a simple resource. But then I got to thinking that maybe I could do more than just a list.

So, I bought the domain name “” and went to work building a list of not just young journalism bloggers, but a more general list of personal blogs by journalists who blog about journalism. Yes, I’m aware of how meta this is.

So, what you end up with is a collection of individual voices discussing journalism all focused in one place. Hopefully, the site will drive traffic to their blogs and connect them with each other.

Since February, Martinze has been a communications and public affairs specialist for the Illinois Senate Republican Caucus.

Good luck with your project!

(via Jay Rosen).