Newspaper execs: This is not a fire drill
Industry execs convene to discuss crisis. Some suggestions offered to the attendees: Act like an entrepreneur; stop thinking first about why a new approach won’t work. Create a portfolio of initiatives; recognize that some will fail and kill those quickly. Don’t wait for every data point before taking action. “Ready, fire, aim” should be the…
Happy day
Thursday was the college signing ceremony for our son, Mark, at his high school. We experimented a bit using a new Nokia N96 cellphone to stream video to Qik. Worked well except it’s hard to shoot video, take photos with a digital camera at the same time, and be in some of the photos.
Newspapers, whaling ships and oil drilling
The above is the short version of the Michael Rosenblum speech to the Society of Editors. The speech has deservedly created a lot of viral buzz and blogging and if you’re just stumbling upon what he said, listen to the short version at least. The long version is in part 1 and part 2 and…