Freeze-frame of the race for change
Here is a link to a piece I wrote for the “Convergence Newsletter” of the Newsplex at the University of South Carolina. in the issue introduction, editor Matt McColl writes: In looking at the newsrooms of 10 or 20 years ago and those of today, the comparisons are staggering. The process of making, gathering, buying…
Court puts silencer on gun arguments
Image via Wikipedia The media group Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) expressed disappointment today that the Supreme Court refused to release same day audio tapes in the key Second Amendment case before the court yesterday. “The Supreme Court is the ultimate people’s court, and people have the right to hear and see what goes…
“Press Passes” for bloggers
Now that’s innovative. The test in New York of being a journalist will depend on what you do rather than who you work for. And it’s a trend that is spreading. “More and more, they are looking for folks who have a track record. They are fully aware that mode of dissemination should not make…