Month: May 2010

  • Ruminations on news

    Blogger and professor Jeff Jarvis, Steve Coll, former managing editor of the Washington Post and of the New America Foundation, and John Sturm of the Newspaper Association of America on the future of news.  (via BuzzMachine) Possibly related articles by Zemanta Peter Preston: Can the Economist succeed where Newsweek has failed? ( The iPad romance…

  • Innovating without even knowing it

    Damon Kiesow did a story today on with Ventura County Star Visuals Editor Ray Messe about the newspaper’s use of the iPhone to shoot video. Meese did a presentation about those efforts at the Online News Association workshop in Nashville on April 9. It wasn’t until he spoke at an Online News Association seminar…

  • FOIA power play by federal agency TVA

    Image via Wikipedia The Tennessee Valley Authority has a propensity for a disaster at least annually based solely on bad decision-making. Maybe this is it … and these guys run nuclear plants. The agency, a relic of Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s New Deal, seems conflicted today on whether it’s even part of the government. Check your…