While it doesn’t reach the fame of Dave Carroll and United Airlines’ breaks guitars, Kevin Slimp of Knoxville experienced the power of Social Media on Sunday when he posted this note at 11:32 a.m. Sunday on Facebook about his Delta Air Lines flight:
UPDATE: Flight from Atlanta to Knoxville just cancelled. Have I been here before? Going to get the rental car now. Anybody got a spare tire?
Slimp, a syndicated columnist, trainer, consultant and founder of the Institute of Newspaper Technology, is a heavy traveler to speaking engagements and training workshops around the U.S. and Canada so he’s had plenty experience with the foibles of airline flight.
By evening, his comment had generated 46 more comments.
“It’s been an incredible response to my Delta comment today. If you haven’t seen it, check out my wall. I posted it around noon today,” he posted on Facebook later in the day.
He said he found it interesting how quickly people began to share their own experiences. Another example that shows how information is disseminated has been forever changed by online social networks.
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