Image of Kevin Slimp
Knoxville-based newspaper consultant Kevin Slimp’s luck with Delta Air Lines continues to be a muddled mess of delays and cancellations.
A column Slimp wrote on a June trip to and from hell and the resulting customer service torture appeared on KnoxvilleBiz.com on Sunday (we also wrote about it earlier).
And so just yesterday on a flight from Knoxville to Bismarck, N.D. his Delta flight began to go horribly wrong in Memphis.
He posted a Facebook update yesterday:
OK. I’m flying on … you guessed it .. Delta today. Decided not to go through Atlanta. You just can’t get from Knoxville to Atlanta. So I took the Memphis route. Mistake. Big Mistake. I hope to see you good folks in Bismarck tomorrow. This might require another rental car before it’s over. Stay tuned …
Later in the evening, he said:
Latest Latest Update: My latest flight has been delayed from Memphis to Minneapolis. Yes, it’s been 6 lovely hours here. Unless my flight from Minneapolis to Bismarck leaves late, chances are I will be … yes, driving 8 hours in a rental car (from Midnight till 8) to be at my gig at 8 a.m. in Bismarck. Anybody got a s…pare tire? If anyone from Delta is reading this, go ahead and start writing the check.
Below is a post after he finally made it to Bismarck, six hours late.