Public TV network lowers its journalism shield
Troubling “Shield Law” incident in North Carolina as a legislative committee subpoenas raw, unaired footage from the state-funded UNC-TV public television network about a story involving the environmental record of aluminum giant Alcoa and its efforts to get re-licensed for a federal permit to run a hydro-dam on the Yakin River. While North Carolina has…
And then there were fireworks
These are a few years ago, but enjoy on the Fourth!
Just ask: “What would Ben Franklin do?”
Journal Register declares independence from “old way of thinking about how we do business.” https://bit.ly/duu4J4Sun Jul 04 16:15:22 via TweetDeckJim MacMillanJimMacMillan I saw Journal Register CEO John Paton talk about this in Las Vegas at the Editor & Publisher show. It will be interesting to watch how this plays out. I only wish we would…