An essential download about the iPad and print news

Thumbnail image for Bill TallentBill Tallent, CEO of iPad and smartphone developer Mercury Intermedia, has published some thoughts for news executives on the disruptions they are facing.

Having built 30+ high-volume, high-visibility touch screen news apps for 14 behemoth print and television media organizations, apps that have been downloaded 20 million times and yield over 1� billion user sessions per year, our experiences lead us to suggest three things that will help news organizations decipher this disruption and “skate to where the puck is going.”

First: Consider what consumers seek.

Second: Realize that apps are diminishing the role of printing presses

Third: News industry business models must change

Read Deciphering the Print News Industry Disruption.

Here is a PDF version of the PowerPoint deck Tallent presented at “The Mobile Migration” workshop on Friday in Nashville at the John Seigenthaler Center. It includes a lot of great information on tablets, touch  computing, the iPad, the iPhone and Android devices.

The workshop was co-sponsored by the Online News Association and the Freedom Forum Diversity Institute with underwriting assistance from the Scripps Howard Foundation.

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