Foursquare gets pissed

The above “Mark Your Territory‘ video is about one of the many student projects I saw Wednesday at the GVU Center’s Fall Research Showcase. It was a great way to see  some really fascinating projects grad students at Georgia Tech are working on.

I’ll write more about that later, but it included data visualization, a lot of augmented reality projects (Georgia Tech has developed an augmented reality browser for mobile devices), some social networks, lots of game-related projects, some efforts around film and filmmaking, advanced TV, a mobile application development framework that allows for rapid development and sharing of mobile apps at Georgia Tech and some projects designed to address quality of life for certain medical issues.

I liked that the projects were in general designed to improve people’s daily lives using open source tools and relatively inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware (modified to their needs).

The “Mark Your Territory” project by Andrew Ouitmeyer was one of the funniest and he enthusiastically explains it.

Hey, it’s another thing you and the dog can do together.

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