Discovering breaking news as it happens
Editors are safe for the moment, but this is an interesting experiment in news automation and an interesting way of determining what is “breaking news.” #BreakingNews candidate via @WikiLiveMon: https://t.co/hogETk8cLQ. Media gallery: pic.twitter.com/odsdl3fnhp — mediagalleries (@mediagalleries) March 27, 2014 While not ready for prime time now, I could see this becoming much better.
Everybody needs a little FOIA machine
Have you tried the alpha FOIA Machine? It’s from the Center for Investigative Reporting with funding from the Knight Foundation (some $47,000) and a Kickstarter campaign? Investigative reporter Djordje Padejski got the project going. Here are some tips on using it. The Center for Investigative Reporting calls the FOIA machine the “TurboTax for government records.”
Bot journalist reported California quake first
Ken Schwencke, a journalist and programmer for the Los Angeles Times, was jolted awake at 6:25 a.m. on Monday by an earthquake. He rolled out of bed and went straight to his computer, where he found a brief story about the quake already written and waiting in the system. He glanced over the text and…