Hacker Mojo spends the night with python and django
It reads as if the mad scientist is locked away in the lab to all hours with his pliable assistants python and django creating the perfect CMS. The beakers are bubbling and weird smoke is swirling. Hopefully, he won’t blow up the lab — or the wife and the little Mojo. It’ll be fun to…
I think Yahoo’s MyWeb 2.0 is pretty cool idea. I find it handier than Google Desktop — at least for me — because I often am using different computers: work desktop, home desktop, laptop.
Claude Allen runs out of family values
It was shocking news to read that Claude Allen, President Bush’s longtime chief domestic-policy adviser and a guy Bush had once hoped would sit on the Fourth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, had been busted for “refund fraud” at Target and Hecht’s stores in Maryland. Allen, 45, resigned his White House post in early February…