Month: June 2007

  • Craigmillar Castle

    A video of Craigmillar Castle on the outskirts of Edinburgh in Scotland. Great castle to see. Tags: Scotland | Edinburgh | Craigmillar Castle | video

  • Scotland vacation photos

    Vacation photos from Scotland taken by Mark Lail and Jack Lail. We were in Scotland from May 27 until June 2, 2007. Some HRD photos are here. Tags: Scotland | Loch Ness | Edinburgh | | Rosslyn Chapel | Craigmillar Castle | photos

  • The hidden link between Rosslyn Chapel and Innovation

    Most of the ways we tend to think about innovation and innovators are just wrong, based on comic book-like fables of eureka moments and genius super heros. That’s some of what I got from Scott Berkun’s new book, The Myths of Innovation. I got a PR email about this book a few weeks ago that…