Month: July 2007

  • Hit the pause button for a second

    In this break in the action, I’d like to ask: Other than greed, what is up with the proposed Net Radio copyright fees, which some say will drive radio off the Internet? Mashable says there has been a slight reprieve from the Monday (July 15) fee increase that would force a lot of radio stations…

  • Surprise, surprise, surprise! Google Quotient

    Damn, I’m a 10. The “Online Identity Calculator (beta)” says: Congratulations. You are digitally distinct. This is the nirvana of online identity. Keep up the good work, and remember that your Google results can change as fast as the weather in New England. So, regularly monitor your online identity. Read Chapter 11 of Career Distinction…

  • Al Gore Inc.

    Must reading for Gore watchers is Fast Company’s “Al Gore’s $100 Million Makeover.” Here’s a guy who was worth, oh maybe, $2 million in 2000, who is worth well north of $100 million today, with a mere $30 million in Google stock options. Is he just now hititng his stride? Tags: Al Gore