Month: July 2007

  • Back what?

    I was more than halfway there, but well, anyway. Back boobs? Did you say “back boobs?” I don’t read diet blogs, but this quote on Susan Mernit’s blog made me look: You know you are getting fat when you discover that you have back boobs so big that they need their own bra. That’s from…

  • Chasing youth

    Mark Potts is getting a lot of links today on his look back over the Backfence, but another jewel was his post last week on newspaper youth products, Dog Bites Man; Kids Don’t Care. In the not-to-do category, he says: Young people have never cared much about news; now they care even less about fossilized…

  • Strange bird sighting

    I saw these strange birds a couple weeks ago when we went to the North Carolina Pottery Center to see an exhibit called “Slipped, Dipped, and Dotted: 18th-21st Century North Carolina Redwares” (May 4-Aug. 25, 2007). Among the curators is Westmoore Pottery and longtime friend Mary Farrell of Westmoore had encouraged us to see the…