David Byrne’s crossing America
Loved Talking Heads founder David Bryne’s descriptions of visiting Dollywood and Knoxville and heading to Memphis. The road leading to Pigeon Forge is also the approach to Great Smokey Mountains National Park, and as there are no vendors allowed in the park, the approach roads tend to turn into a border town where all the…
If we could just get the bloggers out of the newspaper?
I was already thinking about newspaper blogs today from Edward B. Driscoll Jr.’s slap that newspaper blogs were just dull, but now along comes that fuzzy iconoclast Jeff Jarvis who says the problem with newspaper blogs is that they’re on newspapers: So I think that if newspapers are going to blog, they should have lots…
Tweet, tweet to the music
Last night was bloggers night at the Symphony. The symphony in a gambit, I persume, to generate buzz gave bloggers free tickets to the opening night concert at the Tennessee Theatre in downtown Knoxville and they got to go to a special post-concert reception. I followed it some last night as it was live Twittered.…