Month: September 2007

  • AP’s inline player

    We’re part of a small group of online newspapers that began deploying this week an inline player on our site for the AP Online Video Network. It’s a beta test for the next couple months. We’ve implemented it in our story pages on the right. Here is an example story (on the right under the box ad). The…

  • Mad Jack

    I wasn’t really mad, but it looks that way. It looks bizarre! I was testing the camera on the Nokia n800 Internet tablet. It created a 640 pixel wide image. Could be used in a pinch, but it’d be best to use a regular digital camera and use the n800 to transmit it or post it…

  • Testing a Nokia n800

    I’m testing my ability to post to my blog with this tiny Nokia n800 Internet tablet and a Bluetooth keyboard. It actually does seem to work! Although it took a little trial and error. Steve Yelvington inspired me to try to see if this could be used for remote posting. I haven’t gotten use to…