Month: December 2007

  • Got a problem, ask a librarian

    When people need answers, most turn to the Internet, but don’t turn out the lights at the public library. Eighteen to 29-year-olds, known of Gen Y’ers, are the heaviest users of libraries for problem solving information, says a new Pew Internet and American Life study released Sunday. I hadn’t really thought of the library as…

  • Bowl coverage

    College bowl coverage by college journalists. Bryan Murley says the best is in Kansas.

  • Your writing’s pretty good; how’s your CPM?

    Career columnist Penelope Trunk blogs her firing from Yahoo!. There’s a tremendous outpouring in the comments as well as some catty ones there and on Valleywag.. She says she was fired because her column commanded low advertising rates. So reporters and writers out there: How’s your CPM doing? Print media writers look askance at how…