Month: March 2008

  • And you were wondering if there was money in blogging

    Blogging grows up and tries to survive being a business. And Michael Arrington sees an opportunity.

  • A media shell game

    When times get tough, companies like to hunker down like a tortoise in its shell. When the rough times pass, they’ll come out of our shell again. But in the media business today hunkering down and focusing on the core is like a tortoise withdrawing into its shell in the middle of a highway. You…

  • Bracketology is academic

    Which Tennessee men’s basketball team will be in the Final Four and play for the championship? One educated guess is Belmont. Inside Higher Ed did a NCAA men’s basketball bracket based the NCAA’s Academic Progress Rate with the NCAA’s Graduation Success Rate as the tiebreaker. See the full details on this methodology, which is not…