A slave to email
Coming back from a short vacation and not checking company email for four days, brought with it an inbox with over 675 new messages. Now, many of them were “status” messages; new video available from AP, someone flagged a comment on knoxnews, please post a story. Easily deleted and no reply necessary, but still there…
Just play like Bill Russell
I’m a believer in sticking with fundamentals and keep an eye on your goals. Flavor of the day management just leads to zigzag results with up not an option. So I was particularly pleased to read what Scott Berkun, author of The Myths of Innovation, gleaned from the management style that led the Boston Celtics…
An idea to nap on
Merlin Mann says he’s met an astonishing number of people who can’t bring themselves to take naps during the day. He’s never met me. I don’t need a guide and software is unnecessary. TV on, TV off; it doesn’t matter. I try not to nap when I’m driving. But I’m glad Mann’s often evangelizing the…