The best of times
The economy is tough and the news business in particular is brutal. The operative word seems to be “retrenchment” at many mainstream media companies. In this environment, PaidContent.org’s Rafat Ali says: “This is probably the best time in history to be a journalist. I know there’s a lot of fear in the industry with all…
What would Mark Andreessen do?
Marc Andreessen, founder of Netscape and now hanging out at Ning.com, in the November issue of Portfolio: If you were running the New York Times, what would you do? Shut off the print edition right now. You’ve got to play offense. You’ve got to do what Intel did in ’85 when it was getting killed…
Why thanks, Ma
Free Wifi for AT&T iPhone users and Blackberry users at many businesses, including Starbucks and McDonald’s hotspots, and public locations. Some background from TechCrunch.