Psst! …. Aggregation
It’s great to see the Miami Herald launch a local blog aggregator, South Florida Blogs, with journalist-turned-entrepreneur Dave Mastio. There’s some explanation of what they’re up on the Knight Digital Media Center Web site. It’s an idea I’ve long thought was a no-brainer. Maybe that because we’re doing it, too. Few other newspapers or local…
Getting some notice
I like the scoop on these scores.
No rush to vanity URLs on Facebook, only 3 million so far
Tony Hung of Dive Jive Interests points to a Bloomberg piece that says about 3 million “vanity URLs” were grabbed over the weekend, some 500,000 in the first 15 minutes (that would be me). He wonders if that’s really a “rush” considering Facebook has, oh, 200 million users. I think it begs the larger question…