Quotable: Prediction for newspapers
No medium has ever survived the indifference of 25 year olds. — Clay Sirky
2011 was the year of the paywall hype
Sorry, Mashable: This wasn’t the year that paywalls paid off: It was the year that some paywalls paid off for some specific outlets while the rest struggled. That’s not such a catchy headline. But then again, we all know that sometimes reality doesn’t match the simplicity of the news. — Bobbie Johnson, GigaOm
Are you getting ‘Return On Influence!?’
Friend and fellow Knoxville resident Mark Schaefer has a new book coming out in March on social media and marketing called Return on Influence!.. And he’s got a special offer. If you pre-order the book between now and March he’ll send you a bonus eBook. The eBook is an Insider’s Guide to Klout. Sounds interesting…