Doing better storytelling with opinion polling
One of the more intriguing demos I saw at Georgia Tech’s People and Technology Forum 2012 a week ago is one with the seemingly obtuse name of “Tangible Anchoring.” I’d taken a look at this project at an earlier technology demo at Georgia Tech and it continues to be refined and enhanced. In the video…
If you’re after culture change, it helps to be an emotional psycho
Anybody that has ever been involved in a culture change or newsroom transformation effort has got to appreciate what Vanderbilt University football coach James Franklin has accomplished. He has more wins in his two years at the prestigious private university in Nashville than any Vanderbilt coach since 1904-05. The team is bowl-bound for the second…
Are you ready for your cell phone to explode?
At a panel last week on “Mobile Devices and Beyond,” Bruce Thomas, director of the Wearable Computer Lab at the University of South Australia, held up his smartphone and said: “I just want to get rid of this.” While many are running to catch up to the explosion of smartphone use, those in the vanguard…