Chet Flippo, October 21, 1943 – June 19, 2013
[View the story “Chet Flippo, October 21, 1943-June 19, 2013” on Storify]
Journalists: There’s not a less risk-taking crowd
“It’s just that journalists have to get more creative and entrepreneurial. And, I think, that’s the problem. There’s not a less risk-taking crowd than a bunch of journalists who like to tell everyone how to run their businesses,” said Kara Swisher of All Things D. Her take on journalists and entrepreneurism starts around minute 57. Read…
On newsroom innovation …
Thanks to Mindy McAdams for creating this Storify on newsroom innovation. It’s an awesome discussion. [View the story “Newsroom Innovation: What Is Needed?” on Storify]