Sign up for the Murfreesboro NewsTrain before prices go up
If you are planning on attending the NewsTrain in Murfreesboro on Sept. 30/Oct. 1, the discounted hotel rate of $109 a night at DoubleTree in Murfreesboro ends on Thursday Sept. 1. You can reserve your room here. The hotel at 1850 Old Fort Parkway operates a free shuttle within a five-mile radius, which includes the…
Diversity Scholarships for APME NewsTrain at MTSU
Can’t beat this deal! Journalists, journalism educators and journalism students from diverse backgrounds are invited to apply for a diversity scholarship to attend the Murfreesboro NewsTrain. Successful applicants for these competitive awards will have their registration fee waived; they must pay their own travel expenses. Apply by Aug. 25 by answering these questions and emailing your…