Snoop Dog does Google
From Images on Gizoogle… Lauren passed this one along as a fun site … and it is: www.gizoogle.com (language warning). Course it was created by a guy — John Beatty — who’s from the hinterlands of York, Pa., not exactly Snoop Dog song territory, but he calls it a tribute to the Snoop Dog. See…
Baseball season is here
The Knox Sox were in a tournament in Farragut this weekend. Friday, there were snow flurries and a cold game. Satruday was a much better day: sunny, mild and two wins. (click on the photo to see a larger version)
Google SMS rocks
I was playing with Google’s SMS feature. You can search yellow pages, residential listings, weather, movie times and definitions simply by entering some text and sending a text message to 46645. It works really fast — and well. It found my telephone white pages listing with all the correct info, told me the weather and…