Lately, I’ve been listening too …
I recently bought a couple R.L. Burnside CDs: “Burnside on Burnside” and “Wish I was in Heaven Sitting Down.” Of the two, I like “Burnside on Burnside” the best. It’s a live concert recorded in January 2001 in San Francisco and Portland, Ore.
Updated Gallery software
Updated my Gallery photo album organizer from 1.5.0 to 2.0.2 on Friday. There were a few hiccups (the 2.x version is a major rewrite), but I worked through it. I like this piece of software — and it’s free. Find out more here. Better yet, browse some of my albums. Who needs Flickr!
Small Initiatives gets a big makeover
Looks like he’s still drilling and painting the inside walls this bitter, nasty weekend, but Jay Small’s redesigned SI is looking good: understated, clean and utilitarian See it while the paint’s still wet: https://smallinitiatives.com/