Month: October 2007

  • Read to riches

    Buried in Valleywag’s gloating over a tiny dip in print ad revenues at The Wall Street Journal was a more telling stat: The paper’s print readership went up 8 percent in the past year after its publishers cut subscription rates. Average income for the Journal’s two million-plus daily readers is around $200,000 a year, their…

  • It only took a list and a meek, mild-manner geek

    Stephen Colbert thanks Craigslist founder Craig Newmark for killing the American newspaper.

  • Lessons from the latest wave

    I, like Dan Pacheco, believe the tipping point for traditional newspapers is within three to five years. Depending on how you look at it, the tipping point has already past, but like an earthquake in the middle of the ocean, the waves haven’t hit shore (but that doesn’t mean they aren’t coming). Ken Doctor seems…