Month: November 2007

  • Easily read here

    Wonder if I’ll have to xplainz it to Pee H. Dees?(via Muhammad Saleen)

  • The life of a yo-yo

    When it comes to yo-yo tricks, I never got much past the Sleeper and Around the World, but I do answer to “Hey, yo-yo.” As a kid, I thought the Duncan Imperial was just the coolest toy.  The Duncan Toy Co., which had its own yo-yo history, dates back to 1929. The kids in this…

  • Glancing backward to the future

    Interesting to remember: * iPod and iTunes come out in 2001. * The first BlackBerry phone was released in 2001. * Firefox isn’t a browser until 2003. * RSS with enclosures (podcasting’s guts) happens around Sept 2003. * Gmail doesn’t exist until 2004. * WordPress got popular in 2004 (after Movable Type changed licensing). *…