The curse of Barbara Bain’s dog
Jimmy Guterman, editorial director of O’Reilly’s Radar group and the editor of O’Reilly’s Release 2.0, is parting company with the printed edition of the New York Times. What finally made me give in to the inevitable was realizing, one barely-dawn morning last week when I was reading the paper at our kitchen table, that I…
Life measured in bytes
The running total of my ever-growing digital footprint … ReadWriteWeb explains it.
Humming along with Count Basie
Blogger, consultant and inveterate Twitterer Stowe Boyd says hopes of a newspaper return to better, happier days are but melodic dreams of the Benny Goodman era. He finds the pessimism in a David Carr piece on the industry in the New York Times not near pessimistic enough. In that piece, long-time newspaper analyst John Morton…