Month: June 2008

  • The picture’s real, but it swirls in misinformation

    Gizmodo says this tornado photo from Orchard, Iowa — which made it onto a New York Times blog — is why you should carry a digital camera at all times. But Kurt Greenbaum has the story of how newspapers and news sites handled the photo and that is nearly as fascinating as the photo is…

  • Now, be sensible

    With the decision to mothball, long-time “online guy” and former Scripps colleague Robert Niles has launched a new site: Why “sensible talk”? Because that’s how we make better journalism — with sensible talk. Our ability to report is only as good as our ability to perceive, and our perceptions are best informed by…

  • No newspaper is doing video right

    Michael Rosenblum on newspapers and video: Q: Are there any newspapers out there you think are doing this right? A: No. None. There are some that are getting closer, but we are in uncharted waters and have a chance not only to do this right, but also to become the Gold Standard for the entire…